Guide to Growing Yam in Sacks

Yams, often referred to as the “king of root crops,” are a rich source of essential nutrients and a staple in many diets around the world. However, for those who don’t have the luxury of expansive farmland, the idea of cultivating yams might seem like a distant dream. But fear not! In this detailed, step-by-step guide, we will explore an innovative and space-efficient method of growing yams in sacks. Get ready to embark on a unique agricultural journey that’s both educational and fun.

The Nutritional Treasure of Yams

Before we delve into yam cultivation in sacks, let’s talk about the nutritional value of these tubers. Yams are a powerhouse of essential nutrients such as fibre, vitamins (A, C, B6), and minerals (potassium, manganese), making them a fantastic addition to any diet. They are a great source of energy, support digestive health, and have antioxidant properties that contribute to overall well-being.

Creating a Space-Efficient Yam Garden

Now, let’s dive into the details of growing yams in sacks. The beauty of this method is that it allows even those with limited space to enjoy the benefits of homegrown yams. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

1. Choose the Right Sacks

Selecting the appropriate sacks is the first step in successful yam cultivation. Look for sturdy, durable sacks made from materials like burlap or plastic. The sacks should have good drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. The size of the sack depends on the number of yam plants you want to grow, but a standard sack that’s about 2-3ft deep and  1.5-2ft  in diameter is perfect for accommodating the yam’s growth.

2. Select Yam Varieties

Before you begin planting, take a moment to select the right yam variety for your growing conditions. Here are a few popular choices to consider:

  • Dioscorea alata (Water Yam): Known for its smooth, tender flesh and sweet flavour.
  • Dioscorea rotundata (White Yam): Has a dry, starchy texture and is often used in traditional dishes.
  • Dioscorea cayenensis (Yellow Yam): Features a yellowish flesh and a milder flavour.

Ensure that the variety you select is well-suited to your climate and growing conditions.

3. Prepare your Sacks:

It’s time to prepare your sacks for action. Fill each sack with a mixture of well-draining soil and compost or CRH. Leave some room at the top to accommodate your yam cuttings. The soil should be fluffy and packed with nutrients.

4. Source Quality Yam Seeds / Cuttings

Success starts with quality yam seeds. Choose your yam seeds carefully from a trusted source. Healthy, disease-free yams are your best bet for a thriving harvest. Pick yam cuttings with at least one bud or eye. These should measure around 6-8 inches in length.

5. Plant Your Yam Seeds / Cuttings 

With your sacks ready, you can move on to planting yam seeds / cuttings. Bury your yam cuttings about 2-3 inches deep in the soil, ensuring the buds face upwards. If planting more than 1 yam seed in bigger sack, give each yam cutting at least 12 inches space within the sack. 

6. Watering:

Proper care is essential for the successful growth of your yams. Yams love consistent moisture, so be sure to keep the soil evenly moist without overdoing it. Make sure the sacks have proper drainage to prevent waterlogging.

7. Fertilizing:

To supercharge your yam growth, feed them every 4-6 weeks with an all-purpose fertilizer. A balanced fertilizer works best; just follow the instructions on the package. Fertilizer high in phosphorus is preferred.

8. Train Your Yam Stem:

Provide bamboo stick or wooden stick for each plant. Train the yam stem to climb the stick for better air circulation and to receive full sunlight.

9. Pest and Disease Management

There is lesser disease and pest infestation with yam sack farming nonetheless, regularly check your yam plants for any signs of pests or diseases. Common yam pests may include armyworm, nematodes, aphids etc. If issues arise, address them with organic pest control methods or consult a professional if necessary.

10. Harvesting

Patience pays off! Your yam plants are usually ready for harvest 6-8 months after planting. Gently dig out your sacks to reveal a bountiful yam harvest.

11. Enjoy Your Homegrown Yams

Now that you’ve successfully cultivated yams in sacks, you can make it in your preferred way. From crispy yam chips to creamy yam soups, your culinary adventures are endless.

How to Cook Yam (African Yam) - My Active Kitchen

Growing yams in sacks isn’t just a practical solution for those with limited space; it’s also an eco-friendly and resource-efficient method. By using sacks, you can save water and space and even reduce the risk of pests and diseases. It’s an exciting way to connect with nature and promote sustainable agriculture at home.

Cultivating yams in sacks is a journey that’s both educational and inspiring. It proves that with a little creativity and innovation, anyone can enjoy the nutritional benefits and delicious flavours of homegrown yams, regardless of space constraints. So, don’t let the lack of land discourage you from this rewarding experience. Start your yam-sack garden today and watch the growth of your space-saving yam paradise.

Happy yam farming!


30 thoughts on “Guide to Growing Yam in Sacks

  1. Abu Mohamed Sesay says:

    It very Educative.
    I want to know if there any chemical to apply on the yam cutting before planting? Or to preserve it for long storage

  2. yasirilism1 says:

    Please can I put the sack on a cement because the roof of my house is the available space I have and the place is concrete. My number is 08038161292

  3. Azeez isiaka olaniyi says:

    Thanks you sir you are talking about draining l don’t understand that draining that you are talking about in my own understand to cut the sack down in order to let water pass

  4. Ezekutive says:

    Thanks for this. Can any part of a healthy yam be grown as the seed or only the head part of the yam? I’m about to start, but I don’t know where to get only yam seedlings. Thanks once again.

  5. Ngozi says:

    Can I plant the yams I bought from market that we are eating or is there difference between planting yam and the one that are sold to market for consumption.

  6. Jonas says:

    I have started planting my yams in sacks before discovering this site. I am excited.
    Planting yam in sack just to mind and I am applying it for the first time. Thank you for I have learnt a lot.
    Can I apply animal waste products as manure or which type of fertiliser to be specific.

  7. Jonas says:

    Thank you very much
    I have started planting in Sierra Leone. It has started raining, do I need to continue watering?

  8. akinsanmi muhy says:

    hello sir, i find your instructions and guide to growing yam in sack very interesting, my compound is floored but i have grown about 22 sacks at the side of my apartment including other vegetables which are striving well. however sir, my main fear now is the roots of my yams are coming out from the sides of the sacks which baffles me. is there anything i can do to control it or what effects will that have on the yam. the yams is about one month and half now and they are growing well.

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